Friday, October 7, 2011

Review Week 8

Why must designers pay close attention to how color is utilized within a composition?
Color can make a piece or ruin it. For me, it's color that draws me to a design. Different colors also mean different things or make you feel a certain way, so you want to have the right color.

Why is the color wheel an important tool for graphic designers?
The color wheel is a tool that all artists have used to match colors and also goes along with the color theory which is important for artists.

Find an example of neutral colors utilized within a design (hint: google poster design). Near the sample, discuss why you feel the designer included neutral colors within the composition. 

There aren't many neutral colors on the poster besides the background. I think the designer made the background neutral so everything else will stand out and catch you eye. 

Briefly describe how we "see" the color of an object?
Colors are either absorbed or reflected. We see the colors reflected by light. 

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